Total Corrosion Service provides a professional installation, maintenance and design service to the petrochemical refineries, pipelines and municipalities, covering a wide range of construction applications. The service includes the provision of specialist advice to customers in relation to cathodic protection and supports them in the improvement of overall efficiency in their projects.
This is a declaration of our commitment to the principles professional craftsmanship that aims to raise the standards of cathodic protection mitigation and make them it responsive to the needs of those who use it.
It sets out our commitment to ensure fair and equal competition in the provision of construction services to our customers and tells you what you have a right to expect as an existing client, subcontractor or supplier.
Continuous improvement in our service to customers will be sought through cooperation with all involved in the cathodic protection industry.
303 Derrick Drive, Humble, Texas 77338, United States
(281) 319-4767 office (281) 319-5516 fax (713) 504-6850 cell